Quantracting in Europe

Quantribute specialise in the Quantitative Credit Risk and Data Analytics arena and offers access to the best Credit Risk quant jobs. We are in regular contact with real decision makers within our client base. This provides us with a unique insight of the hiring landscape across Europe to share with our Credit Risk Quant community.

Whilst the “perm v contract” argument is a well-documented and trodden path in niche, specialist areas of finance and technology such as ours, we thought it would be worth offering some trends we are currently seeing.

Being based in London but having clients across Europe we have seen a distinct trend between activity in the European financial centres to that of London. Much of the permanent hiring in London has significantly slowed down compared with this time last year, uncertainty over Brexit no doubt being a factor in this.

In European financial centres however, we are seeing a major increase in activity in both the permanent and in particular, the contractor hiring space. This is being driven, in part, via Consultancies (“Big 4” included) who are assisting with ongoing regulatory demands and initiatives. The recent Targeted Review of Internal Models (TRIM) is a great example of this, which resulted in a huge spike of freelancer activity all over Europe. Quantribute was instrumental in providing a large number of experienced TRIM Credit Risk Quants to Consultancies across Europe in this period. In some cases, we helped some of our Consulting Clients win projects by facilitating exclusive access to our experienced European Credit Risk Quant freelancer network; an achievement we are very proud of.

Due to the time sensitive need to complete projects on time and to meet regulatory deadlines set by the EBA, Consultancies and our European Banking clients are significantly ramping up engaging contractors and this can certainly be quite a lucrative option for those Credit Risk Quants considering a move from their existing permanent roles to the contractor market. As with any area within recruitment where demand outstrips supply; a buoyant Credit Risk Quant contractor market has developed and Quantribute is very much at the forefront of this.

If you are an experienced Credit Risk Quant that may currently be in a permanent role and are open to “Quantracting” opportunities across Europe, or an existing contractor within this space, then get in touch for a friendly and professional chat.

Let’s Quantribute!






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